Welcome to Beach Chic!

Calling all College Recessionistas!

Are you always running into the problem that you don’t have anything to wear? Do you have old clothes, but don’t want to wear them because they aren’t “trendy” enough? Have you ever thought about extending your clothing options with the clothes you have? Are you spending so much money on school and don’t have any left to buy clothes? Don’t fret, that’s why we are here to help!

We are three SoCal college fashionista’s who have come together to help all of you college students to stay chic without breaking your wallet.

Visit our blog weekly for updates on how to create endless outfit options right in your own closet. We will help you find key pieces in your wardrobe that you can wear multiple ways, whatever season it is! Also, look out for DIY ways to extend your closet wardrobe, and how to mix classic old pieces with new trendy ones to achieve a chic, and budget friendly outfit everyday for all you starving college students.

Lia Giordano

Lia Giordano

Anneliese Field

Anneliese Field

Noelle Esguerra

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